
Component name Description
CIBasic Contains common interfaces that are used often, including memory management and unit conversions.
CIColorManagement Retrieve the names of color management profiles in use in the current publication.
CICommandQuery Retrieve a parameter block to use to execute commands and queries. See the PageMaker Class Library.
CIFrame Create, modify, and delete frames
CIHyphenation (Under development)
 CIImageAccess (Under development)
CIInterfaceManager (Under development)
CIKnowledgeBase (Under development)
CIObjectAccess Retrieve object information
CIPMInfo Retrieves information about PageMaker, including serial number, user name, and company.
CIPrint (Under development)
CIPrintStream (Under development)
CIPrivateData (Under development)
CISaveImage Save imported graphics in various formats. You can convert images to TIFF, JPEG, GIF89, or DCS.
CIText (Under development)
CIWebUI (Under development)
CIWindow (Under development)
HCMPlugs (Under development)
PMEvents (Under development)

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